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Bluegrass Church
How an unlikely church plant thrived by embracing Appalachian culture.
Kate Harris: The Greatness of God
Why the greatness of God is essential to navigating and enduring the toil of work.
Kate Harris: Cultivating Attentiveness
Learning to see the heart of God in our work.
AJ Sherrill: Sacred Ordinariness
The ministry of reconciliation is not just for the elite.
Single-Souled Living
Our spiritual allegiance must not be divided
Seeing God on the Silver Screen
An interview with Kevin Harvey on how engaging pop culture might be the best way to share the gospel.
Rescuing Short Term Missions
Tony Myles shares insights on how to lead a productive mission trip.
Raising Voices
When a church sings together, it takes prayer to another level.
Getting Good at Prayer Isn't the Point
A pastor's primer on praying.
The Word by Heart
How the ancient practice of reciting Scripture from memory is helping people hear the Bible afresh.
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